Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Flying an Airplane

On Saturday I went to a retired Army Air Force air strip called Pearson Field (Fort Vancouver) to fly an airplane. I didn't just fly in it, I flew it. My lead pilot was Ron. Before the flight, he gave me some instructions. They were to not go down or up. Sometimes he asked me to tilt and sometimes he asked me not to tilt. When we took off, I felt the middle of my gut get tingly. It felt like all the blood rushed out of it. We were 1,050 feet up in the sky. I wasn't scared but I am afraid of small heights like standing on top of the table. I like flying for fun. I'd like to fly an airplane again. If I had an airplane I would like it to be blue. In the museum I practiced flying on the computer simulator. I kept crashing my planes. I thought it was funny, especially when I landed on the sun.