Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Blog Entries That I'm Forced to Do by My Parents

Blog #1, My thoughts on football:

I think football is a great sport to get in shape and learn better teamwork. But in every other way it’s annoying and inconvenient. Practice is every Tuesday and Thursday, at practice there are a lot of blockheads and jerks that I can beat up but they think that they can destroy anyone just because they can “tackle” you It’s really quite stupid and everyone stereotype themselves as acting like brothers and always having each other's backs and as if football is life so if you miss a practice or a game for a once in a lifetime opportunity you’re cast out of the community (this is a total lie accept the missing practices or games part.) It’s an amazing sport except for the people I’m around. The whole reason I wanted to do football was to make more friends because some of my good friends are moving.  But a lot of the kids on the team I just don’t have a good relationship with.  

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Inventions #2

Hi! I have a new idea for the animal power suit. First you have to get a shot and collect the DNA and RNA of that animal. Then POOF! You have the abilities of that animal. I also think of another tech machine the legendary X MOD. It's one of the worlds greatest device. It can switch to 3D and 4D. it has youtube, google, google drive, ect (every thing an iPhone 6 has). If you want to find out more email me at buzzerbee09@gmail.com.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Flying an Airplane

On Saturday I went to a retired Army Air Force air strip called Pearson Field (Fort Vancouver) to fly an airplane. I didn't just fly in it, I flew it. My lead pilot was Ron. Before the flight, he gave me some instructions. They were to not go down or up. Sometimes he asked me to tilt and sometimes he asked me not to tilt. When we took off, I felt the middle of my gut get tingly. It felt like all the blood rushed out of it. We were 1,050 feet up in the sky. I wasn't scared but I am afraid of small heights like standing on top of the table. I like flying for fun. I'd like to fly an airplane again. If I had an airplane I would like it to be blue. In the museum I practiced flying on the computer simulator. I kept crashing my planes. I thought it was funny, especially when I landed on the sun.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Best Friend

"My best friend is Carson Graham. He was a new kid in school last year. I asked him if he liked to play Skylanders and he said, "yes". We made up our own Skylander game at recess. I figured out that he liked Pokemon so we started playing Pokemon at recess. Then we started trading Pokemon cards. When we get new cards we can trade with each other. We get along well because we like the same things. He is fun to play with and has a very good imagination. He's not bossy and he's generous with his things. Sometimes he gives me really good cards and sometimes I give him really good cards. We've never gotten in a fight but we have had opinions against each other. For example, at Camp Tilikum I wanted to go to the middle section of the lake to swim but Carson wanted to go canoeing. Instead, we went to the Beaver Slide. We chose something that we both wanted to do after that. Then we watched the staff have a style fight. You got to choose a style like Gangnam Style. Then they would have to do that style the whole time they were trying to get each other off the Agua Jump. If you were wonder what the Agua Jump is, it's a giant trampoline that has a rope on it and you can swing off the rope and fall into the water. The last one standing three times on the style fight wins. Carson and I liked watching that and our favorite was when they pushed each other off the 35 foot dock. This year Carson will be in my class for 3rd grade. I'm so excited. I would like to go white water rafting with Carson. I think Carson will be my best friend forever."

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Invention #1

“I want to invent a thing that will help the world and be the first kid to help the world. My invention is call “The Creature Power Suit”. First of all you have to have a 3D printer and have it connected to a computer. Next, I haven’t done this yet, but I need to make a minimizer. Then, I have to make the suit that has the hole in it. There’s a pad on it so you can change the suit color to whatever you want it to be. Last, you have to print the creature discs, for example, a great white shark or a hippopotamus. You can do any animal you want to as long as you have either it’s fur, feathers or touch the actual body of the animal. You can touch the whiskers, the skin or the teeth. You can touch any thing that is a part of the animal. You can also have the odor or smell of the animal. Anything that has to do with that animal. And please have the disc at all times what ever the disc is in because if it isn’t in the whole thing will not work and it will be even harder to get it on. It’s just like the password on your phone. If you enter it wrong too many times you have to wait like five minutes to try again. If you keep doing it without the correct password, it will basically explode or give off a smoke gas. It can have a face sensor that will allow a whole family to access it. This suit will help you with animal abilities. For example, if you can run as fast as a cheetah, you will not need a car anymore. And cars cause pollution. If there is no pollution in the air, there will be healthy trees and lots of animals all over the place. It will also help people to be healthier and not get cancer. Instead of paying money to get on an airplane (which also causes pollution), you can just use a peregrine falcon or any other bird or flying animal.”